<CBI Digital, JCCI, and Nippon Club Present Webinar> DXの秘訣:デジタルでの成功を達成する方法
● 会社がB2B、B2C、またはその両方に焦点を当てている。
● 初めてオンラインでのサービス提供を計画している、
● コアビジネス外でテクノロジー関連のスタートアップを育成し立ち
● オンラインを収益の柱にしたい、
- CBI will share lessons learned from helping offline businesses and startups build a strong platform for digital success, creating value, reducing cost and inefficiencies, and capturing revenue. Examples will come from categories including footwear, home goods, hospitals, and more.
- Once you have a strong technology platform and foundation, you can use digital to 1) expand your customer base, 2) increase revenue, and 3) enhance customer experience. CBI will share client examples of how you can scale both your online traffic and revenue exponentially in a relatively short period of time.
Date & Time
Thursday, November 18, 2021
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST
無 料
Speaker Profiles/スピーカー略歴

CBI Digital Co-Founder & COO