日本クラブ・『オペラの楽しみを探ろう!』発起人会共催 第9回『オペラの楽しみを探ろう!』 トーク・イベント ~ メトロポリタン・オペラ 2023〜2024シーズン全演目解説!~
10月5日(木)午後6時30分 ~ 8時30分
日本クラブ 7階 ギャラリースペース
(145 W 57th St, New York, NY 10019)
日本クラブ会員20ドル / 一般30ドル(学生20ドル)
※『オペラの楽しみを探ろう!』発起人会メンバー: 伊藤澄子、尾島陽子、増山正晴、池澤崇、松崎景子
フレッド・プロトキン Fred Plotkin
One of America’s most prominent opera commentators. He has a wide range of activities such as commentary on radio and television, lectures at opera houses such as Met, museums, and blogs. He holds the “Adventures of Italian Opera” course at New York University and offers interviews with famous opera singers and conductors. His writings include the best-selling “Opera 101: A Complete Guide to Learning and Enjoying Opera” and “Classical Music 101: A Complete Guide to Learning and Enjoying Classical Music”. He currently lives in New York.
伊藤澄子 Sumiko Ito
Lives in New York. After working as a national government employee of the Japanese government and an investment banker, became a business strategy consultant for a company. She has served on the board of art foundations in Japan and the United States, and is currently a board member of the Kronos Quartet Performing Arts (San Francisco). After learning about Jonas Kaufmann, she became an opera freak, and in November 2016, translated and published “Jonas Kaufmann: Tenor.”
【お問い合わせ】日本クラブまで (info@nipponclub.org) まで