JCCI・Nippon Club・Nishimura & Asahi Data Privacy Law Seminar
“Overview and steps to be taken in preparation for enforcement of the CPRA in California and how to deal with data breach incidents”

Wednesday, February 10, 2021 (11:00 a.m. – noon)

On November 3, 2020, the State of California voted to enact the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), which introduces a significant expansion of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). CPRA applies to, among other things, employee information and business contacts, and expands the scope of class actionable personal data breaches. Companies that retain any personal information of Californian residents need to carefully review their current practices.

During the seminar, the speakers will provide an overview of the CPRA and the steps companies should take by January 1, 2023 when the CPRA takes effect. We will also discuss how companies should prepare for inevitable data breaches, and dealing with the authorities and class action lawsuits in the United States.

Click here to register

The webinar will be held in Japanese, but The Nippon Club will be providing real-time subtitles in English through Wordly.

  Speaker Profiles

Noriya Ishikawa

Partner, Nishimura & Asahi
Co-Head, Frankfurt am Main and Düsseldorf offices, Germany

Noriya Ishikawa is a partner and Europe co-head in Frankfurt am Main and Düsseldorf offices. He specializes in all aspects of corporate law, corporate M&A, intellectual property law, compliance matters, restructuring matters, and data protection laws and regulations. He has advised more than 100 national and international clients from various industries on GDPR, and he has extensive knowledge of the practical application of multi-national data protection laws including California’s CCPA and CPRA, US federal COPRA, and Brazil’s LGPD. He was selected as the “Most Successful Lawyer in 2019 in the Area of Data Protection” sponsored by NIKKEI Inc. (a Japanese media organization with newspaper publishing) and was chosen as “the lawyer you most want to retain” in the area of IT/Personal Information and Venture (Weekly Toyo Keizai vol. November 7, 2020).

Azusa Saito

Counsel, Nishimura& Asahi
New York Office

Azusa Saito is a counsel in the Dispute Resolution Group. Her practice focuses on international arbitration under a wide variety of arbitral rules, including the ICC, SIAC, and JCAA, and complex commercial litigation, especially in the US, which involve Japanese companies. She has advised multinational companies in diverse industries, including the pharmaceutical, automobile, aviation, construction, solar energy, telecommunications, electronics and insurance fields. She has also assisted Japanese clients with data privacy incidents in collaboration with the Tokyo and Frankfurt offices.

CONTACT: info@nipponclub.org


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