Nippon Club Culture Courses ART EXHIBITION 

The Nippon Club Culture Course will hold the 13th Nippon Club Art Exhibition, an exhibition of artwork created by instructors, students, Nippon Club members, and their families. We would like to invite you to come and see the many excellent works of art.  

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  • <About Exhibiting>
  • *Students should first consult with the instructor. If you are a member of the Nippon Club, please contact the Culture Desk (212-581-2223 / culture@nipponclub.oeg
  • Art Work: Floral design, calligraphy, painting, crafts among others. All work must be original.
  • Size of Artwork: Two-dimensional art pieces such as calligraphy, painting, photo-graphs – must be smaller than 65 inches × 65 inches. Three-dimensional art pieces such as floral design, and craft – Total W (width) + D (depth) + H (height) must be less than 10 feet.
  • Drop Off Date: Tuesday, October 8th, 2024 Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm . Place: The Nippon Gallery (7th Fl.) Please take your packing materials after dropping off your artwork.
  • Pick Up Date: Tuesday, October  15th, 2024 Time: 2:00 – 3:00 pm Place: The Nippon Gallery (7th Fl.)
  • Registration Fee: $ 35/Artwork
  • Submission Limited : To Culture Courses instructors and students. Nippon Club members and their families.
  • Other Notes: The Nippon Club Culture Courses is not responsible for damages or loss of artwork due to circumstances beyond our control.

※Consent Form

A consent form is required to submit an exhibit. Please download and bring it with your artwork.

Nippon Club
Culture Courses
Lesson fee $35

ART EXHIBITION Registration Fee ($35) 10/10 (Thursday) - 10/12 (Saturday)

Schedule 2024/10/10

These are one-day classes.

Entry is need to login.
Please SIGN UP as a member.

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